Thursday, March 31, 2011

I'm Not Looking

When I was younger my da always used to be the story teller of the family. He would tell stories about being a skilled soccer player or being the best in his class as a way of inspiring me anmd my little sister. One of the main stories he told me was maybe his craziest xsstory. When I was younger I was a little bit of problem child, just a little bit. I didn't get in too mucgh trouble, but I was no anglel. After I got in trouble my father told me a story about how he threw pencils and things at a teacher with his friends once when he was younger. the morale of the story was that he was a little bad hisslef back in the day , but because he was smart he didn;t get into too much trouble. From then in I was pretty good, but if I got inrouble itwas loked over a bit because of the story my father told me.

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