Thursday, April 28, 2011

My groups Prezi

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Chapter 5: The Electronic Book

The presentation was about the use of the e-book and how it is becoming a part of our everyday lives. The Prezi starts with the quote "They are writing in and on the world". This quote was a theme for most of the Prezi when the presenters showed how writing has changed over the years and how there is a desire to make a big information keeper. The overall message that I took away from the Prezi was that we are moving toward all the information that we are looking for being online. There weren't any weak spots in this because it was clear and came to a full circle at the end.

The main points is that we are moving towards e-books being more prominent. The presenters did make a comment regarding libraries and whether they would stay around and I believe that they will always stay around. It was a very good in the fact that it progressed through the history and effectively showed the remediation of writing through time.

1. Is the book going anywhere?
2. Are libraries still necessary?
3. How fast is the e-book supposed to take president over the physical book?
4. Has Bolter changed his opinion since publishing his e-book?
5. Is there a general rejection of the e-book?
6. Would people be willing to go to the e-book over the library?

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Chapter 4: Breakout of the Visual (The one that my group did)

I feel like the Prezi that my group worked on accomplished a lot as far as giving information and talking about where internet writing is heading. Besides our presentation being about the breakout of the visual, we showed how the visual has evolved with writing these days. The clarity of the presentation may have been lost a little bit with how short things were. Everyone in our group explained every term and part of the presentation adequately.
The only thing that i wish that we would have improved upon is the amount of visuals we used. I think we didn't use enough visuals, especially during my part of the presentation. The use of visual in a presentation ion the Breakout of the Visual only seemed to make sense. More visuals would allow us to explain and show exactly what we meant. I feel like our presentation was made clear enough though, but this could have improved our presentation.
Overall, I though we did fine.It was fun in my opinion and I like the idea of moving through the writing space. It was an effective way of presenting the breakout of the visual.

Chapter 3: Hypertext and the Remediation of Print

The presentation was very cooperative in the fact that all three of the presenters worked together on almost everything. They had points that they did not agree on and they also had points that they all touched based on. It did feel like a repeating exercise every once in a while during the Prezi, but that was understandable in there Hypertext presentation.

The main points of this chapter are mainly about the trees of information that can be found online. I recall that they said the closest thing to Hypertext is an index. During the Prezi one of the overall things that the group seems to be getting at is that Hypertext essentially makes everything easier. They also featured the negative in the way hypertext is not giving people as much freedom as they think they are being allowed.

1. What makes hypertext important?
2. Is hypertext a medium that will change how we write in general?
3. Does the use of hypertext as a product suppose to offend?
4. Does hypertext make other forms such as indexing obsolete?
5. Is the remediation of print meant to be a way of changing everything?
6. Although hypertext is prominent, is special in the way it s addressed?

Thursday, March 31, 2011

I'm Not Looking

When I was younger my da always used to be the story teller of the family. He would tell stories about being a skilled soccer player or being the best in his class as a way of inspiring me anmd my little sister. One of the main stories he told me was maybe his craziest xsstory. When I was younger I was a little bit of problem child, just a little bit. I didn't get in too mucgh trouble, but I was no anglel. After I got in trouble my father told me a story about how he threw pencils and things at a teacher with his friends once when he was younger. the morale of the story was that he was a little bad hisslef back in the day , but because he was smart he didn;t get into too much trouble. From then in I was pretty good, but if I got inrouble itwas loked over a bit because of the story my father told me.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

How does this electronic space refashion its predecessor? How does it claim to improve on print's ability to make our thoughts visible and to constit

Online print makes for a way of being more creative and expressing how we feel through fonts and colors. The electronic space gives more freedom particularly because of the designs or the things around it. With the prezis it calls for the audience to be more alert with every change and the way it is ordered can give you more of a rush or a wake up. Online writing like prezis can be arranged in a non linear fashion and the use of the electronic space emphasizes this.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Writing Space. Intorduction.

Jay David Bolter's "Writing Space" introduction briefly talked about the development of writing over time. The evolution of text from physical books to electronic books is discussed as being a way of "refashioning the writing space." While electronic books are becoming something is frequently seen, there still is an appreciation for physical text and most author would rather have their works published in a physical book than have their book on the internet. At the end of the introduction section Bolter talks about the writing space expanding to many things besides just print. I agree with Bolter on the the writing space becoming all forms of writing in sorts and it becoming pretty much every arena of writing.