Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Chapter 5: The Electronic Book

The presentation was about the use of the e-book and how it is becoming a part of our everyday lives. The Prezi starts with the quote "They are writing in and on the world". This quote was a theme for most of the Prezi when the presenters showed how writing has changed over the years and how there is a desire to make a big information keeper. The overall message that I took away from the Prezi was that we are moving toward all the information that we are looking for being online. There weren't any weak spots in this because it was clear and came to a full circle at the end.

The main points is that we are moving towards e-books being more prominent. The presenters did make a comment regarding libraries and whether they would stay around and I believe that they will always stay around. It was a very good in the fact that it progressed through the history and effectively showed the remediation of writing through time.

1. Is the book going anywhere?
2. Are libraries still necessary?
3. How fast is the e-book supposed to take president over the physical book?
4. Has Bolter changed his opinion since publishing his e-book?
5. Is there a general rejection of the e-book?
6. Would people be willing to go to the e-book over the library?

1 comment:

  1. Whether or not libraries are still necessary depends on how you view them. If you're a librarian, you probably won't want to see libraries decline—they employ you, they're your livelihood. If you're a student, you may or may not want to see them go—depending on your study habits. If you're a community organizer, you definitely won't want to see them go, since they can be the epicenter for a community. If you're an author, you probably won't care, as long as your published work can still be published in a format that people will be able to access.
